Five Goals for 2018

I am not really one for New Year resolutions, as I am so bad at sticking to them. This year though I may have had a change of heart. Send me help!

Eat Healthier. 

After eating so much roast dinner and an abundance of sugary snacks, I am more than ready for a detox! In December, I really let loose with what I eat. and it is time to turn things round and go back to eating healthier! Eating healthier for me, is not just about losing weight! Currently in my family there are quite a few heart problems associated with cholesterol and eating fatty foods.  And considering how poor my current diet is, I need to CHANGE it pronto. So here I am currently swapping out cakes for cabbages and pasta for lentils and beans. Wish me luck! 

Travel More. 

There is something about travelling that I absolutely love. I love exploring new cities, landscapes and cultures and I have been lucky enough to have done quite a bit of travelling so far. However last year was really a poor one for me on the travelling front - I did not travel at all! How on earth did that happen? Lets just say that an out of date passport and a hectic schedule has left me stranded in London… Some mini goals for me in terms of travelling are to look at the Northern Lights and see Whales in the ocean

Be more active in general. 

I work so hard during the week that I become a homebody during the weekends. Lets just say I prefer pyjama days quite often. This year it changes. I need to start being more active during my weekends. I need to say YES more and actually go out rather than being a part time homebody. So lets just say I have built up a bank of ideas of places to go and see during my weekends. Expect some blogposts! 

Be more active on my blog. 

2017 was a terrible year for me on the blogging front. One reason for this being my super hectic schedule. I have a job that I love doing and last year it just took over SO much of my time. This year it changes. I will blog more and keep the posts coming more regularly. Blogging is my little happy corner of the internet and it makes me sad when I am not updating it. So expect changes on that front! 

Do things I have never tried before. 

Last but not least, I want to pick one thing to do each month that I have never tried before. 2018 is the facing my fears year. Did you know I have never had a massage? I have always wanted one but have never really gotten round to doing it! I am thinking of making this into a little 'once a month' blog series to keep myself inspired with this goal. Ahhhh. 


Happy New Year to you all and have a lovely day… 
I would also love to hear from you! 


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